Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Apparently Hasn't Visited The Dentist Since She Was 5

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Lindsay, you and your rotten teeth better SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!

I'm sad. No. FORREAL. This shyt is unacceptable. UN-AC-CEPTABLE.

Instead of just walking the red carpet and keeping her mouth closed at the "Saints Row: The Third" movie premiere last night in LA, actress Lindsay Lohan decided to scare the public and show off her....(is it okay to call them teeth?).

JESUS be a dental plan with good benefits.

And another thing. Why does this 25 year old look like she is 45?

More of this under the break.....

 Did she have lasagna? Or is that just the normal color?
Better yet...JESUS be some soap!

I don't wanna live anymore! *hops in casket, lays down, closes it, crosses hands over chest...DEAD*

Images: INF Daily, Splash


  1. cocaine is a terible drug, she has aged WWAAAy beyond her time

  2. that's crystal meth! Meth mouth all the way...Damn
